Inspired by the famous icon paintings, this collection consists of replicas of authentic old-world iconic works. We bring you the classic, timeless beauty of icons, vibrant art, and the legendary history of sacred icons. Hang a wooden ornament or wall plaque accented with gold leaf or silver leaf, or give it as a handmade gift of blessings to transform lives and make the world a brighter place. Only created by skilled artists and from the finest quality materials available, each piece is authenticated by G.DeBrekht to ensure that each fine art replica will become a treasured family keepsake. Handcrafted in wood, replicas of authentic Old World Iconic Art are wonderful to hang as an ornament or wall plaque. These beautiful icon plaques are the perfect gift for every occasion and family and friends alike. Some items may have slight variations due to the handcrafted nature of the art and wood grains. Thank you for your support of the unique Icon Artistry and the Artistic community in the USA.
Size: 4.75" x 2.75" x 0.5"
*Some items may have slight variations due to the handcrafted nature of the art and wood grains.